We partner with organisations and companies who are committed to increasing opportunities for young people. We have a strong track record of creating bespoke, mutually beneficial partnerships with a range of businesses and across different types of collaborations. From Charity of the Year and brand collaborations to grant giving and programme funding.
Nominate us or let us know about how we can apply to become your next Charity of the Year.
Provide critical funding and volunteer your skills to support UK Youth’s strategic objectives, whether its funding a programme or working collaboratively with us to solve a specific issue that young people are facing. Our long-term partnerships are vital to ensuring we can grow and increase our impact on young people.
We can create inspiring cause-related marketing campaigns to engage your customers and drive sales whilst generating vital awareness and donations for UK Youth. We have a vibrant and youthful brand that focuses on amplifying the voices of young people and raising awareness of issues that are most important to them. We’d love to explore how we can work together!
Pears Foundation were at the heart of the UK Youth Covid Relief Fund, launched in January 2021. This was a two-phased emergency funding scheme for youth organisations facing a very real risk of closure due to the devastating impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Fund was launched with an initial commitment of funding from Pears Foundation and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation (thanks to match funding from DCMS through the Community Match Challenge).
The total funding awarded to 118 youth organisations was more than £1.8m. The initial funding attracted further grants of £7.5m for the UK Youth Covid Relief Fund and the youth sector in general, including another Pears Foundation award of £239,650, granted in December 2021.
In early 2022, Julia and Hans Rausing partnered with UK Youth to launch an ambitious £10m fund to improve the mental health support and provision for young people through youth work.
99 local youth organisations were selected to receive three year funding and a tailored package of support including workshops, training and skills to help them grow communities of best practice. The fund was boosted by an additional £1m from the Westminster Foundation, whose funding will support those organisations in rural communities.
This incredible support from Julia and Hans Rausing has enabled UK Youth to innovate and grow its ground-breaking grants plus model, which believes in giving long-term, flexible funding to allow youth work in local communities to flourish, coupled with critical wrap around support through training and resources.
“Developing the Building Connections programme with UK Youth has been a great experience. It is so rewarding for our staff to be able to directly share their skills, expertise and time with young people. To see first-hand the impact that their energy has on young people’s resilience and aspirations is remarkable. We’re delighted to be continuing our support into the second year of the programme and look forward to helping even more young people across the UK to Reach Up and aim for a brighter future.”
Holly Firmin, GB Community Partnerships Manager, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners