
The impact of the Lobbying Act on charity campaigning

6 April 2018

  • Policy updates
We’re calling on organisations who work with young people to take part in research into the impact of the Lobbying Act on charity campaigning.

We’re supporting the research being carried out by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK) alongside the Directory of Social Change to update the evidence about the impact of the Lobbying Act on campaigning. We are interested in your experience, regardless of how much time, effort or budget you have dedicated to campaigning in your organisations.

They are defining campaigning as one or more of the following activities:

  • changing public attitudes/social norms/behaviours
  • policy influencing (e.g. regulatory or legislative change)
  • political influencing (e.g. changing political priorities, challenging ideologies/positions)
  • electoral activity (e.g. enabling constituents/young people to participate in election debate)

How to take part

They have produced an online survey to collect the latest evidence of any impact on campaigning, funding conditions and what constitutes a healthy campaigning environment.

We really encourage you to take part – the more responses, the stronger the evidence and the better we can represent our members. The closing date is 30th April 2018 and all responses are completely anonymous. A final report will be published in May.

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